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International System Safety Summit & Training 2024


The Annual International System Safety Summit and Training was held at the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aug. 26 - 30, 2024. The theme for ISSC 2024 was AI-Driven Safety: Promises & Pitfalls.

PHM Technology's presentation @ ISSS 2024 

PRESENTATION: Causation-based Exploratory Data Analysis for Safety.

A major goal in the field of safety is to identify potential hazards and risks as well as plans of mitigation - to this end, the use of vast sensor networks and powerful artificial intelligence can be pivotal to predict incipient failures and analyze past events to gauge future occurrences. Modern complex systems receive and transmit large amounts of data via such networks; this provides plenty of information to be understood about the system which is, however, encoded in trends and patterns. Common practices and tools to extract such understandings are collectively described as Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

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Author: PHMT - Peter Lucas | CMO of PHM Technology

Peter has over 35 years of experience in digital & traditional marketing.

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