MADE for Condition-based Maintenance

Design, improve and justify a Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) capability

The Problem: The determination of maintenance requirements is typically based on the expected reliability of a system design. The optimal maintenance strategy will minimise corrective and scheduled maintenance (both lead to unnecessary or inadequate servicing), and instead only conduct those maintenance actions required to ensure safe operational availability of the system when they are required.

Solution: MADE PHM module enables the engineer to design diagnostic solutions to perform Fault Detection & Isolation for potential failures in a system and assess the Probability of Detection for each specific failure mode. MADE PHM enables an engineer to optimise a diagnostic solution for the system, and validate the business case for CBM, at each stage of the product lifecycle.

Key Benefits

  • Risk mitigation for critical and catastrophic failures
  • CBM capability design / assessment / validation conducted iteratively
  • Analysis conducted at every stage across the life-cycle of the asset
  • Enables trade studies for CBM capability – does it ’buy its way onto the system’?

Key Features

  • Automated sensor selection (test points)
  • Comparison of alternate sensor sets (coverage, weight, reliability, etc.)
  • Automated generation of diagnostic rules
  • Supports development of model-based reasoners

How to effectively design, improve and justify a condition-based maintenance capability?

Why use MADE PHM?

MADE is a model-based integrated toolset that enables informed CBM design decisions and trade studies to identify the most cost-effective diagnostic/monitoring approach tailored to a particular asset and its operating profile.

What does MADE PHM provide?

A tool for designing and monitoring CBM capabilities to generate critical failures identification and cost comparison of alternate diagnostic approaches that is:

  • Configurable to integrate with an organisation’s engineering processes
  • Suitable for new and legacy assets
  • Efficient and cost effective at each stage of the asset life-cycle

How does MADE PHM optimise diagnostic capabilities?

MADe it is a model-based simulation tool with technical features that include automated dependency mapping and a standardized taxonomy of functions & failure concepts to maximize consistency of the CBM design process.

So what?

Using MADe to design/improve or justify a CBM capability can:

  • Optimize overall system availability and reliability across the expected life
  • Mitigate the technical and economic risk of unscheduled outages
  • Leverage the inherent diagnostic infrastructure of the asset

How does MADe support CBM capability design, improvement and justification?

Download brochure to find out more